Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Beta testing

Once again we're looking for more beta testers to help test our next major release.

This update will add some hotly-requested features
  • Data entry for treadmill runs
  • Display of distance and pace in list of completed runs
  • Customisable announcements
  • Some usability improvements
  • Further UI enhancements
  • Addition of mph and kph as an alternative to min/mile and min/km pace.

We really want to be sure that this works on as many devices as possible before we go ahead and release it to the whole community. However, that means that we need a few guinea-pigs - people who don't mind the odd hiccup here and there, and want early access to the new features.

Anyone can join, however in order to help report problems to us, ideally you will need to:

  • Be able to use 'adb logcat' or aLogcat (available from the market), to report problems to us.
  • Have a good technical understanding of Android (though you don't need to be a developer).
  • Be prepared to occasionally abort a run, because of a bug in the software.

If you think you fit the bill, and would like to get involved, please join the Google+ community here: https://plus.google.com/communities/103008083347264500250

Tell us what phone you have, and what version of Android you are running. We'll be in touch within a few days to tell you how you can download the latest beta release.

Happy running!


  1. I had fully upgraded the rundouble. Unfortunately my phone crashed and all the apps were lost. Now when I download rundouble it is asking for the charges. Is there any way out .. Appreciate if some help quickly. Thanks.

    1. Please use the Help button in the app, as we don't typically monitor comments on here, and we're not able to lookup your account to check upgrade statuses etc.

      If you previously synced with our website your purchase will be saved there, and syncing again will simply restore it. Otherwise you'll need to sync, and then email us using the "Help" button in the app, and we'll be able to issue a manual authorisation.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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